Travel Weekly - What's New, What's Hot: Buddy Pouch
Buddy Pouch: "Out-and-about vacationers should find this innovative item a useful addition to their wardrobe in as much as it safely holds essential items such as credit cards, cash, and/or keys while keeping them within easy reach for when you need them. The storage pouch, which also includes a side zipper port for a cell phone, features a heavy-duty magnetic flap closure that attaches to any waistband, essentially making for a universal fit for any traveler, runner, biker or outdoors enthusiast. Compliant with most stadium bag policies, the Buddy Pouch offers a bounce-free experience while the wearer is in motion and a water- and sweat-resistant inner pocket. If they aren't already, this product should make fanny packs a thing of the past. $21.98 (XL $23.98); Women's clutch, $29.99; water carrier, $17.99;"